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Author: Joseph

Date: September 16, 2018

God spoke to Moses warning Aaron that he should not come before the holy place in the tent of meeting at any time he desired. Aaron also had to approach the holy place in a manner prescribed by God. Aaron had to be physically cleansed, put on the priestly garments, and offer sacrifices. The goal of entering into the holy place and coming before God was for the atonement of His people.

"Aaron ensured all this was done..."

One of the sacrifices Aaron was told to offer was two goats: one living sacrifice and one slaughtered sacrifice for atonement. The blood from the sacrificed goat, along with the blood from a bull sacrifice would go into the holiest place and be sprinkled upon the ark of the testimony. This was done to “make atonement for the holy place, because of the impurities of the sons of Israel and because of their transgressions in regard to all their sins” (Leviticus 16:16).

The altar that sacrifices were made upon also had to be atoned and some of the same blood was put on the altar. This was done to consecrate the altar and cleanse it from the “impurities of the sons of Israel” (Leviticus 16:19).

After the inside of the tabernacle was atoned for, then Aaron was commanded to make the living sacrifice of the scapegoat. Aaron placed his hands on the head of this goat and confessed all the sins of Israel; every transgression and every iniquity required atonement. This live goat would then be sent into the wilderness, now bearing the sins of the nation on its head. Aaron ensured all this was done according to the command of God.

Aaron was commanded to do all these things alone, without the help of his sons or that of other Levites. It was the sole responsibility of the high priest to make atonement for God’s people. The atonement of the entire nation of God’s people rested in the responsibility of one man.

We are unable to enter His presence because of a shattered relationship with Him due to our sin, and only the high priest is able to mend this relationship. He is the only one allowed to come before God during the time of atonement. So without a high priest like Aaron, who now goes before God on our behalf?

Without a high priest, how are we able to mend our relationship with God and find atonement? There must be a way to have atonement from our sins. If the Bible ended with this passage of Scripture, how would your walk with God change? What would you believe is the way to find atonement for your sins? Remember that it was only the high priest that was able to make atonement for sins, and the high priest was chosen by God Himself to do so – we are unable to perform this duty on our own.

You need a high priest to act on your behalf and atone for your sins. Do not think that you are in any way able to atone for the sins you commit against God. Later in the Bible we discover that there is a high priest, even to this present day, willing to act on our behalf. Learn who He is and trust in His ability to atone for your sins. Accept the sacrifice He has made for your sins to find atonement before God.

Bible Passage: Leviticus 16:1-34

Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB).

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