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Blind Guides

Author: Joseph

Date: February 21, 2021

Have you ever been surprised by someone’s negative reaction to what Yeshua teaches? Perhaps it was a close friend, a family member, or even a church member. But have you ever experienced a negative reaction from a teacher, elder, pastor, or preacher? You probably never considered that someone could react that way to the Word of God. We should expect, sadly, that among the community of God, there are those who do not belong to Him and who either choose to remain ignorant of who God is and what He teaches, or outright have no interest in living the life that God requires of them. When these people take up positions of authority among the community of God, they bring along their own distorted form of holiness according to their lack of understanding of Scripture and they teach it to others. Instead of leading people to truth, they lead people to misunderstanding, confusion, chaos, and in the end, take them away from the truth of who God is and what He wants for their lives. This is not just hypocrisy; this is spiritual blindness and it reproduces itself like a cancer in the community of God.

After rebutting a hypocritical teaching of the Pharisees, here is what Yeshua had to say about them:

“Then the disciples came and said to Him, ‘Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this statement?’ But He answered and said, ‘Every plant which My heavenly Father did not plant shall be uprooted. Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind. And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.’”

Three things we need to observe from what Yeshua said. First, these blind guides are not from God. They were not given their authority from God, they stole it. They were not chosen by God to lead, they elevated themselves. And likewise, these same people will be uprooted by God because they do not belong to Him. They can claim all kinds of authority and wisdom, but when the time comes for their judgment, God will remove them and give them no place among His people.

Second, Yeshua told His disciples to leave blind guides alone and not bother with them. Those whom God calls to Himself will find their way to Him even with a multitude of blind guides out in the world seeking to spread their hypocrisy. Just as Yeshua’s disciples (except for Judas, who also served a purpose in God’s plan) remained with Him faithfully, so will those who eagerly seek God always find Him. Blind guides also have a purpose in God’s plan: they are used by God to test peoples’ hearts to see if they will pursue falsehood or pursue God. If someone enjoys the benefits of hypocrisy, which are temporary and insignificant compared to God’s Truth, then they will be drawn to these blind guides. If someone yearns for God and seeks Him with all their heart, they will reject hypocrisy no matter how much it seems to benefit them, and instead continue to pursue God and discover the Truth. Blind guides are nothing to those who seek God, but can be major obstacles to those whose desires are evil.

"Blind guides are nothing to those who seek God, but can be major obstacles to those whose desires are evil."

Third, and lastly, Yeshua taught His disciples to see the Pharisees for who they truly were – blind people who lead blind people. Yeshua’s disciples seemed concerned about offending them, but Yeshua disregarded the Pharisees with ease because He understood their pitiful state. Like blind men who live in darkness all their lives, the Pharisees couldn’t see even when their eyes were open. Even if someone showed the truth right in front of them, they could not see it. The same is true for blind guides in our communities. Blind guides are not to be feared or be our concern for offense, rather, they should be pitied. They will fall into a pit one day and never come out. While disregarding their hypocritical guidance, we should at the same time make loving efforts to lead them to the Truth. Through prayer and loving efforts God may open their eyes one day and heal them from their spiritual blindness.

Blind guides will be removed by God Himself on the day of their judgment. Until that day comes, we need to be aware of their hypocrisy and guard ourselves from desiring the same evils that lead us to follow after blind guides like them. Eagerly seek God and His wisdom instead. At the same time, pray and make loving efforts for these blind guides so that perhaps God will heal them and they will come to the Truth.

Who, if anyone, do you know who is a blind guide? If you can’t think of someone, perhaps you have unknowingly been following a blind guide? Repent of any evil desires in your life that have made you vulnerable to spiritual blindness. Then, ask God for clarity and guidance to reveal if any of the influences in your life are actually blind guides leading you astray.

Matthew 15: 12 - 14

Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible (NASB). Copyright by The Lockman Foundation (

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