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It's Time to Break Allegiance with Evil

Author: Joseph

Date: April 4, 2021

We as the community of God, His people, have been inexcusably allied with a world that is turning more evil every day. What do I mean? I mean that the world has been hastening its pace towards pervasive self-destruction over the past year and we as the people of God have been ignorant and even permissive in allowing evil to reign where it should not. Fear and coercion has taken hold of churches and instead of preaching the Good News and God’s kingdom, we are hearing the same messages being spouted in churches that are taught by the godless leaders and teachers of the world.

We, as a people of faith, have been cowardly and faithless when our communities were told to disperse and to comply with “protective measures” that overwhelmingly broke our communities and turned us against one another. Instead of continuing to gather as God desires (Hebrews 10:25), we timidly stepped away and heeded the world’s authority rather than submitting to God’s authority. God asks us to submit to governing authorities, but these are all secondary to His authority. If the governing authorities legalize sins or attempt to lead people to reject God's teachings, then their authority is no longer to be heeded (Read together: Acts 4:13-22; Acts 5:17-29). Why were so many afraid to stand for what God instructed? Because we feared for our relationship, and therefore the consequences, with the governing authorities.

We have seen people among the community that have “sprouted” and shown their true faith is not in God, but in the kingdom of darkness (cf. Matthew 13:36-42). They have grown alongside us and have now taken grip of those around them with fear and persuasive words in order to lead believers astray from faithfulness to God and His teachings. These are the deceiving pastors, preachers, and leaders of all sorts who instead of turning people toward the Truth of God’s Word, have chosen to trade the Truth for lies and then decorate them in biblical language. When the time comes to stand firm in the faith, they not only scatter and disassociate from the Truth, they persecute those who are faithful to God.

We have blindly assumed that the world would not turn against us and begin to persecute our faith because we were so greatly intertwined with them in a perverse alliance. Did you ever think about how being granted a tax deduction for being a “non-profit organization” would some day turn around and be a poison to make churches complicit to following unrighteous laws that are directly contrary to Scripture? A tax-exempt status can be revoked and where would that lead the church if they were coerced into accepting sin in order to retain it? One example that is growing rapidly is more churches now abide by “tolerance” for those who commit perverse sexual sins, the likes of which caused whole nations and peoples to face judgment and destruction from God (Sodom and Gomorrah: Genesis 18:22 – 19:26; the tribe of Benjamin: Judges 19:15 – 21:7). As of now most churches that accept this kind of sin do so willingly and without being forced to! How much more will churches be vulnerable to submit when such a thing becomes mandated by unrighteous lawmakers and judges. Already our society is enforcing “tolerance” for these sins in many other areas of public life. These intertwined alliances need to be broken; the benefit is meaningless compared to the consequences.

Many churches have aligned themselves with various other teachings of the world in an attempt to avoid persecution – some even to the extent that they have denied the truth of the Bible and instead teach secular morality while even using Scripture to defend it. Some churches even teach that God is immoral because they cannot come to accept Him for Who He is as revealed in the entirety of Scripture and so they create their own version of a god that is unlike the God of the Bible. The new “god” that these churches create is compatible with the sinful world and is more “loving,” “moral,” and non-threatening to sinful living. There are many more unspoken alliances with the world and subversions of truth that many in the church have adopted and are adopting and it is causing chaos. To summarize, we cannot avoid persecution and claim to have any relationship with the God of the Bible. Yeshua suffered, His disciples suffered, believers after them suffered, and so will we. If we attempt to save our life and avoid persecution, we lose our life in God and cannot claim to be His (Matthew 16:24-26).

People of genuine faith within the community of God are confused because they find themselves in opposition to the person they once considered their brother or sister in God’s community. People of genuine faith are increasingly being tempted to follow lifestyles and teachings of those who are among them but not of them (unbelievers in the church or unrepentant believers) which is leading some to reject Truth in order to have “peace” and “unity.” And once they do reject the truth, peace and unity doesn’t truly exist because they are submitting to evil ideas or ways that are incompatible with peace and unity because those only come from God and His Truth. Instead, there is only disappointment and despair, only blunted by the lie of being “all in this together” with those who are rejecting the Truth.

More Christian preachers and “big-names” of Christianity are either turning away from biblical faith, dying of old age and leaving a shameful legacy, or are shamefully rejecting God by aligning themselves with the evil of the world. Sadly, because many Christians have been reflecting secular culture by lifting up these “big-names” (as idols), when these “big-names” fall away or mislead them, they either end up in despair (never having had a firm foundation of faith because their faith was in that “big-name”) or they continue to follow them blindly (because joining along with others in idolatry feels better and makes them feel more accepted than the path of Truth). While the world creates idols to follow, many Christians have mimicked their ways and created idols out of their own people. When these idols crumble, so do their adorers fall apart with them.

The connections between the majority of the modern church and the unrighteous people of this world have become so many that the two have become nearly identical and any effort to break the connections feels almost like losing a part of the modern church. But we have to be willing to separate ourselves from the world, as we were called to do (2 Corinthians 6:14-18), because the cost of removing our idols and evil ways is far less than the cost of turning away from God.

The world is only getting worse until the day of God’s judgment over His creation. The kingdom of darkness and evil is only going to get more hostile towards the people of God and they will not relent until they have accomplished their goal to either turn us away from God or to kill us. We are not to live in fear, nor are we to submit to evil, no matter what the world threatens (Daniel 3:8-18). We are to live faithfully to God, seeking His Truth, and living set apart (holy) from the world. What will you choose to do? The world is only getting worse and now is the time to stand firm in your faith, believing the Truth, and hoping in God alone.

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