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  • Writer's pictureKadosh Ministries


Author: Joseph

Date: August 19, 2018

Aaron and his sons were chosen by God to be the priests that would serve before Him in the tent of meeting. Before they could serve before God, they had to be consecrated. What did it mean for them to be consecrated?

"...they were now set apart..."

First, Aaron and his sons were washed in water and then clothed in priestly garments. This was not only a physical cleansing, but also a washing away of their old way of life and putting on their role as priests before God. Aaron and his sons wore new garments that signified that they were now set apart for service to God. This was a reminder for both themselves and the people of Israel.

Aaron was anointed with oil after everything in the tent of meeting had been anointed. This was to show him that he was responsible for all that happened in the tent of meeting and that just as the tent of meeting was holy, he was to be holy.

A bull was then offered for a sin offering, which Aaron and his sons laid their hands on. The sin offering was offered and then its blood was put on the alter of the tent of meeting. Aaron and his sons were shown that sin was to be atoned for by a blood offering and that even their sin, though they were set apart, required atonement. The priests were not exempt from the required sacrifice and repentance from sin.

A burnt offering was then made in obedience to God’s command. It not only pleased God to see that His instructions were being followed, but also reminded the priests that every detail of what God instructed them was important.

A second ram, besides the burnt offering, was offered and this time its blood was put on Aaron and his sons before it was put on the altar. It was put on their right ear lobe, right thumb, and right big toe of their right foot. This part of the ritual is known as the ordination, which means that Aaron and his sons were being dedicated to God. Each part of their body that blood was put on carried symbolic meaning: their thoughts (ear), actions (thumb), and the way they live their lives (foot). Being ordained as priests who served before God meant that their thoughts, actions, and way of living had to be dedicated to God and serving Him.

The consecration of Aaron and his sons’ whole lives was necessary for serving God. No aspect of their lives was left untouched by God’s commandment to be set apart for Him. In the details of the priests’ consecration is an important lesson for us – there is no part of our lives too insignificant to dedicate to God.

What do you look over in your life that keeps you from being fully devoted to God? Do you sort your life into various parts, giving some to God, while keeping others to yourself, or even some to sin? Do not be divided in your mind, in your actions, or in your way of living. Dedicate yourself to God wholly.

Bible Passage: Leviticus 8:1 - 36.

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