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Expectations and Reality

Author: Joseph

Date: May 6, 2018

Jacob hid himself from Esau for many years, waiting for his anger to dissipate. Jacob had stolen Esau’s blessing from Isaac and humiliated him for the second time in doing so. Esau begged for Isaac to bless him and in a traumatic experience was cursed instead. Esau, from mankind’s perspective, had good reason to be angry with Jacob. He hated him so much that he sought to murder him as soon as Isaac died.

When Jacob left Laban, he did so by the instruction of God to return to the land where he was born. Jacob was on his way to the land where Isaac dwelt when great fear overcame him. He was afraid of returning to the land because Esau also dwelt there. His memory recalled Esau’s murderous intent and Jacob feared him, knowing he was a great hunter as well.

"Jacob greatly feared the outcome of encountering Esau."

Jacob took precaution and sent messengers ahead of him into the land. The messengers returned from Esau and informed Jacob that Esau was coming out to meet him and that he was bringing four hundred men. Jacob began to panic and separated his family into groups. He did this so that if Esau were to attack one group, it would give the next group time to escape from Esau. Jacob greatly feared the outcome of encountering Esau.

Jacob called out to God, and said, “Deliver me, I pray, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau; for I fear him, that he will come and attack me and the mothers with the children.” (Genesis 32:11) Jacob confessed his fear of Esau, asking for God’s deliverance, and then He also asked God to remain faithful to His promise to prosper him. About two days later, Jacob saw Esau coming toward him along with four hundred men.

Esau was coming and Jacob put his plan into action to save his family, separating the children with each mother and putting them in separate caravans. Jacob himself went ahead of them all to meet Esau and bowed before him. Esau, however, must have wondered why Jacob was behaving strangely. Contrary to Jacob’s expectations, rather than being angry with him, he ran to Jacob and hugged him, rejoicing in seeing him. Esau was glad to see Jacob and showed no sign of wanting to murder him as he did in the past. Jacob no longer had no reason to fear him.

Sometimes our expectations of a difficult situation are so great that we convince ourselves the outcome will happen the way we imagine. Our imagination blinds us to reality. Jacob had imagined his family being attacked and his wives and children murdered. What awful thoughts these must have been! When we plan for the worst possible situation, we unnecessarily instill fear into our planning and leave little room for faith in God and His will. Jacob prayed to God for mercy, but still feared meeting Esau. His fear was unfounded because, just as he recalled when he was praying, God had made a promise to prosper him and his descendants.

Do you prepare yourself for difficulties out of fear or out of faith in God’s promises? Do not let fear guide your actions. God is always in control.

Bible Passage: Genesis 32:1 – 33:11

Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB).

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