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Faint Glimpse

Author: Joseph

Date: October 21, 2018

A census of all the men of Israel was taken in the wilderness by the command of God. Thousands of people were counted and then they were designated specific places to camp, by the name of their tribe, around the tent of meeting.

The tent of meeting was the place that God provided a visual representation of His presence with the people of Israel. The Levites, who were responsible for the tent of meeting, were told to encamp around the tent of meeting. Their place was right next to the holy presence of God. The rest of the people of Israel were apportioned regions to camp around the Levites, but like the Levites, in relationship to the tent of meeting.

Anyone outside of God’s people would never see the actual tent of meeting itself without first seeing the dwelling of Israel around it. God’s people, therefore, were the first impression any outsider would have of who God is – the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Perhaps an outsider could see the smoke from the altar rising from within the camp, but this faint glimpse was only visible as long as the people of Israel were obedient to perform the service of the tent of meeting for God. It is also the people around the tent of meeting that would give a continuous impression of God and His presence among men.

"...we should represent God..."

When the outside world, those who do not believe in God or follow Him, see how we live our lives and see who we are, we should represent God well and give them a favorable impression – a true impression – of who He is. Do you think that others can see the God that you serve through who you are and what you do? Does an outsider’s impression of you allow them to see who God really is?

Think about the fact that most people will only see a faint glimpse of the reality of who God is when they first encounter Him. It is through us, His people, that they can truly understand how He can affect their lives for the better and change the way they see reality so that they live in the Truth.

Live with the intention of showing God through your life. The testimony of our lives helps people to understand the faint glimpse they see of God. It gives concrete evidence that they can support their faith with and in which they can relate with. The way you live your life is more important than you may think. How will you live your life differently, knowing that others can meet God through your life?

Bible Passage: Numbers 1:1-2:34

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