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Faith and His Mercy

Author: Joseph

Date: April 19, 2020

God is able to do anything. He has final control over all things. He is the Creator Who created all things that ever were, are, and will ever be. He knows His creation better than anyone else. He is only limited by His own character, which is perfect and good. Yeshua demonstrated God’s character in His ministry with those He encountered and performed His will to have mercy.

Yeshua, responding to the Pharisees that observed Him dining and speaking with Matthew’s house guests stating, “But go and learn what this means: ‘I desired compassion, and not sacrifice,’ for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (Matthew 9:13). Yeshua desired have compassion on people because He understood that they were in desperate need for God’s intervention and His righteousness in their lives. The people were (and to this day, are) “distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36). They required mercy beyond what humankind could provide. Only God could give them the mercy they needed.

When people believed in Yeshua’s good character and His mercy, He was able to freely intervene in their lives for their good. A synagogue official faithfully asked Yeshua to raise his daughter from the dead and He did (Matthew 9:18-19, 23-25). The synagogue official did not ask and reserve doubt in Yeshua’s ability, but rather, fully believed He was able to raise his daughter from the dead if it was His will. Yeshua showed mercy and his daughter was raised up again.

On His way to raise the synagogue official’s daughter from the dead, a hemorrhaging woman faithfully sought after Yeshua, believing He could heal her from her infirmity after years of suffering. She believed that simply touching His garment would be enough for Him to heal her and He did (Matthew 9:22). Immediately after touching the hem of His garment, she was healed.

As He was leaving the home of the synagogue official, Yeshua encountered two blind men who were crying out for mercy (to be healed from their blindness). Yeshua tested their faith by asking them if they believed He was able to heal them, to which they responded, “Yes, Lord” and were healed according to their faith (Matthew 9:28-29).

Again, in an act of mercy and to build the people’s faith (Yeshua knew ahead of time that they would gain faith), Yeshua also healed a mute man who had demons (Matthew 9:34). The crowd was amazed and realized that Yeshua’s authority and ability were unprecedented.

Yeshua performed all kinds of works of the kingdom of God and proclaimed the kingdom as He travelled among the people (Matthew 9:35). He performed works of the kingdom in response to their faith and gave them mercy rather than condemnation. He was (and is) more willing to have mercy than anything else. All they needed to do was demonstrate faith in Him.

When we offer Yeshua our faith, He acts on our behalf. When we ask for mercy and expect it in faith, He responds faithfully. Anyone that asks of Him, in faith, will receive His mercy.

What kind of faith do you have? Do you expect God’s mercy and that He will respond to you when you ask Him for it? Yeshua performed all kinds of merciful kingdom works toward those who demonstrated faith in Him. He is able to do the same in the lives of His people today. Do not minimize His ability and His willingness to have mercy on you. Ask faithfully and receive His mercy. Matthew 9:12-36

Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB).

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