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Fear of Success

Author: Joseph

Date: February 25, 2018

Noah had three sons, Shem, Japheth, and Ham, from whom the entire earth would be populated. After Noah offered his sacrifice of thanksgiving to God, God blessed him and his family, telling them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.” He made a covenant with Himself that the ground of the earth would no longer be cursed because of mankind’s sinful ways. God also promised them protection from the animals, saying that the animals would be fearful of mankind. Shem, Japheth, and Ham had nothing to be afraid of as they obeyed God’s voice to “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.” With the land no longer cursed, they could also pursue growing plants and harvesting food as they needed.

"Shem, Japheth, and Ham had nothing to be afraid of as they obeyed God's voice..."

The descendants of Noah’s sons did not obey God’s command to fill the earth, even with God having granted them every advantage to fulfill this blessing. The Bible states that they settled in the plains of Shinar, a land east of where the ark had settled. When they saw that the land was good for building, they gathered to build a great city and tower. Why did they do this? They say to each other, “let us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.” The people did not want to travel any further and fill the earth. They wanted to stay together in one place and make themselves a great people. The rest of the earth remained unoccupied because of their decision, and God’s people were not fulfilling their role to be stewards over His creation as He designed them to do.

The people in the great city were making an idol of themselves and instead of obeying God, had chosen to obey their own desire. When God sees the people, with great concern He realizes that their unity and idolatry has enabled them to pursue their desires without opposition. No one would correct them and guide them into doing God’s will. There was no one among them who was seeking God’s desire.

God, having mercy on the people, did not destroy them as He did with the flood. God already understood that mankind had evil desires from even a young age. God had also taken great effort to redeem Noah’s sons in the flood, and so, for Noah’s sake, He again made a chance for redemption. God decided that instead of destroying mankind again, that He would confuse them by giving them new languages which did not allow them to communicate. Instantly tens or even hundreds of languages were created. Without being able to understand one another and being confused by the event, the people separated and went out to the ends of the earth.

God had enabled and blessed Noah’s descendants to fill the earth and live successfully in it, but they chose the path of pride and feared that their own success would separate them from each other. Just as they feared being separated, so it happened to them because they did not listen to what God had commanded. Our fears only become real when we disobey God.

Are you afraid of doing what God has called you to do? Understand that God has enabled you to do exactly what He has called you to do and will bless you when you pursue His purpose. What do you need to start doing in order to obey what God has called you to do?

Bible Passage: Genesis 9:1 – 11:8

Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB).

Photo Credit: Syed Hasan Mehdi on

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