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Freely You Received, Freely Give

Updated: Apr 26, 2020

Author: Joseph

Date: April 26, 2020

For the first time, Yeshua was about to send out His twelve disciples into ministry on their own. The plan was that His disciples would go throughout Israel and proclaim to the people that “the kingdom of God is at hand” (Matthew 10:7). The disciples were instructed to perform works of the kingdom: healing the sick, raising the dead, cleansing lepers, casting out demons. These things accompanied their proclamation that the kingdom was near to the people. The people then had the choice to believe their words and accept God’s kingdom or conversely reject the disciples and be condemned. Nevertheless, the disciples were commanded to perform the good works of the kingdom and preach the good news of the kingdom of God freely, just as Yeshua had freely performed good works and allowed the disciples to freely accept or reject His offer to “Follow Me” (Matthew 4:19; 8:22; 9:9).

“Freely you received, freely give.”

The proclamation of the kingdom of God and the works of the kingdom of God are never to be bought or sold (in reality, they cannot be bought or sold anyway). Yeshua instructed His disciples, “Freely you received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8).

The disciples did not have to worry about their provision, as Yeshua guaranteed them that God would provide for all their needs (Matthew 10:9-10). They had no reason to worry about food, shelter, money, or anything of the sort. As they proclaimed the kingdom of God, God Himself would meet their needs and provide through the generosity of others when He moved them to do so. The disciples did not need to beg nor did they need to demand that their needs be met; all their needs were provided.

There are many false disciples of God in the world who seek selfish gain from “selling” the kingdom of God and the good works of God’s kingdom. (As stated before, although they attempt to do so, in reality, the kingdom of God cannot be bought or sold. This however, does not stop them from convincing others that it can be bought and sold). Some sell books with “secrets” of the kingdom or prescribe formulas for performing the good works of the kingdom. The writers of these books somehow always come up with more revelations and secrets (when their greed isn’t fully satisfied). Some false disciples sell their time, as if being in their presence will somehow cause the kingdom to rub off onto those among them. They charge a venue fee or demand celebrity treatment. Their names headline conferences and gatherings as if people were gathering to see them instead of with the purpose of worshipping and serving God as a community. Even more, some false disciples attempt to convince others that the kingdom of God is something earned, whether by righteous deeds or by “fixing” oneself up. They sell their “knowledge” of how to do so and provide many “helpful” resources at a cost. All false disciples are robbers and thieves who will do almost anything to profit from the poor in spirit who are seeking the kingdom of God and instead being sold a cheap imitation. There are many robbers and thieves among the community of believers who pose as disciples, but only seek their own selfish gain. Beware of those who were not sent by Yeshua, but who are self-sent with their own agenda to steal from the kingdom of God for their own benefit. A true disciple of Yeshua will always freely give, just as they have freely received.

Regarding yourself, have you been called by God to spread the good news of the kingdom, but you are worried about provision? Know that Yeshua Himself has guaranteed that a worker of the kingdom is worthy of their wages and that God will provide all your needs. When you are obedient to freely give, just as you have received, you will be rewarded by God.

Perhaps you know someone who is a false disciple (or ignorantly acting as a false disciple) and is seeking to sell the kingdom of God. Reject their attempts to sell the kingdom and hold them accountable for their sin. Confront them personally first to see if they will repent, then bring someone else along as a witness. Finally, if they are still unrepentant, bring the matter before the community. Sometimes the false disciple is even unaware of their own selfishness and it needs to be revealed by someone with clear discernment. The best result is that they will stop and repent from their profiteering from the kingdom of God. Only through loving confrontation will the problem of profiteering from the kingdom of God be removed.

Matthew 10:1-10 Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB).

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