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God Before Us

Author: Joseph

Date: November 4, 2018

From the time the tent of meeting was consecrated, the cloud of the Lord remained over it by day and fire over it by night. God made His presence known through this cloud and fire so that Israel could see when to remain at their current encampment and when to travel further in the wilderness.

"...God was preparing and planning each step..."

The cloud remained over the tabernacle only as long as God wanted Israel to remain where they were encamped. Israel could remain in their dwelling overnight or even as long as a year, but they had to move onward in their journey as soon as God was ready to lead them.

Israel did not get a choice in how long they remained encamped at any location. This was to their advantage, however, because God was preparing and planning each step they would take through the wilderness. No matter what obstacle or encounter Israel was to face in the wilderness, they had to wait for God’s sign in the cloud and fire to move onward.

If God does not go before you and tell you when to move forward in your life, do not risk going outside of His will by going ahead anyway. If your circumstances seem painful and you become anxious because of waiting, know that this is not from the Spirit of God, Whose fruit is patience and peace. When the time is right, God Himself will communicate this to you. But you have to be listening to His voice to hear His direction, just as Israel had to see the cloud and fire in order to know when to move onward in their journey.

Do not create your own “cloud and fire” and try to set the path for your journey. If God is not leading your decision and if His counsel has not been given, then your plan will fail. In the wilderness, Israel planned on returning to Egypt (which aroused God’s anger), Israel also planned on going in to the land of promise after disobeying God (to which many perished), and the generation that did not follow God perished in the wilderness, never seeing His promise fulfilled.

Recognize God is the only One who can lead your path. Acknowledge His presence continually and He will direct you. If God goes before you, then your path is assured, but if He does not, do not try to make your way without Him.

Bible Passage: Numbers 9:15-23

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