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God is Righteous

Author: Joseph

Date: February 24, 2019

Israel was told by Moses that they would cross the Jordan river and finally take the land promised to them by God. They were reminded that God would be like a consuming fire before them, dispossessing the evil nations that were in the land and at the same time claiming Israel’s inheritance for them. In Moses’s explanation, he ensures them many times that it is not because of their own righteousness that they are receiving this inheritance, but because God was giving the land to them.

"...God alone was the reason"

First, Moses warned Israel not to take pride in receiving the land of promise. Israel was told by Moses not to think that by receiving the promise they themselves were righteous, but rather that the nations God was going to drive out were exceedingly wicked. God had chosen to bless Israel and to take away the land from the nations who lived in it. It was God’s plan taking place: to both give and take away.

Second, Moses told Israel that their hearts were not upright and they were therefore underserving, yet God was confirming His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob by bringing them into the land and having them receive their inheritance. God remained faithful to the covenant even though Israel continuously failed on their part while in the wilderness.

Third, Israel was told that they were a stubborn people. They were unwilling to submit to God and follow Him in obedience with all their heart, often testing Him and turning away from what was good. Even at Mount Sinai they created the idol of the golden calf, claiming it as their god. Israel would have destroyed themselves if it was not for God redirecting them from their sin, forgiving them, and protecting them. Although a generation died in the wilderness, their children were granted mercy to receive the promise from God.

The only reason that Israel received the land of promise was because it was God’s will for them. God made a covenant with their forefathers and He kept it. God saw exceedingly wicked nations in the land and removed them from before Israel so that they could possess the land. God disciplined Israel throughout their journey in the wilderness, showing Him His great power and their need for reliance in Him. As Israel entered the land of promise, they knew that God alone was the reason.

The nations being driven out before Israel were exceedingly wicked, so it would have been easy for Israel to compare themselves and think of themselves as righteous. God, however, knew Israel’s sin and that they were unrighteous as well. By His will alone, they were granted mercy and allowed to receive the great promise given to Abraham.

Do you think highly of yourself because you do something that seems good and right? Even if you do what seems good, is it something that God considers good? Often, we get our own view of what is good and right confused with what God knows is good and right. If our perception is not based on what God knows is good, then it is unlikely the good we do is any good at all. Only when our actions follow from knowing that God alone is righteous and that we want His will to be done will we ever do anything worth calling “good.”

Israel did not think that they were sinning when they were doing what they thought would be “good” for them – yet it was still unrighteousness. Israel often did what they thought was right in their own eyes, falling into many great sins and bringing disaster upon themselves. Every opportunity that was given, Israel proved unrighteous.

No matter how much good you seem to do, remember that God is the only one who can bring about good. If you desire to do any good, it must come from Him and be a part of His will. When you desire to do what is good and right, remember this.

Bible Passage: Deuteronomy 9:1-29

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