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God's Words

Author: Joseph

Date: March 1, 2020

Have you ever heard something that convicted your heart, motivated you to do action, and then did nothing? Sadly, this is often the majority of what happens to people when they hear God’s Word. It doesn’t make sense. It’s not right. In fact, it’s utterly foolish to be convicted and simply throw it away on a whim. Maybe you got distracted after hearing His words? Or, perhaps what convicted you seemed too difficult to act on? Whatever the reason is, you should not be surprised that you will be left empty again, seeking the same thing over and over because you chose not to respond to God’s attempt to guide you and establish His words in you.

When we act on God’s words, those words act as a solid foundation for our life to flourish and our faith to grow. God places us exactly where He knows we will be most secure: in His will. When we choose to ignore Him instead, He is rejected and we are left as we were before, wandering, searching for something to secure ourselves to and never finding it.

"...firmly established in His words."

Yeshua spoke, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock” (Matthew 7:24). Building up our home (how we live, who we are, how we think) upon His words makes us wise, gives us security in His will, and also allows us to withstand all things. Yeshua spoke about the house upon the rock withstanding all the torment of the world around it and how it did not fall. We, too, will never fall down when we are firmly established in His words.

The foolish man who chooses to reject God’s words and thereby reject God, however, chooses to build his home upon the sand (Matthew 7:26). The fool’s foundation is not reliable; it is self-willed and it is doomed to destruction. He can have no hope in a future and every day is uncertain if calamity will arrive. Any opposition to the foolish man’s structure and its weak foundation causes it to fall and break apart.

Disciples of God who do not obey His words can also become victim of this disastrous end when they choose to build themselves up on anything but God’s words.

Where is the foundation for the life you live? What do you rely on to guide your lifestyle, your ideas about yourself and others, and how you think about the things around you? If you are building up your life on anything but God’s words, you can be certain that destruction will come. Don’t rely on anything else but Him. His words are complete and they are wisdom that is far beyond what humankind can offer. His words are incomparably wiser than anything the world considers wise. If you have anything in your life resting on a foundation of sand, leave it behind and start building upon the foundation of rock. God’s words are the only thing that makes your life unshakeable.

(Have you bought into the lie that “wisdom” apart from God’s words is somehow legitimate for the believer? It is not. Secular sayings, quotes from other religions, and witty expressions are nothing to admire or be drawn to. These things are apart from God and serve no place in the life of a believer other than to fool them into diminishing God’s words and His wisdom. Do not be lured into falsehood and trade a foundation of rock for a foundation of sand.)

Matthew 7:24 - 27

Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB).

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