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Good Words

Published: January 21, 2018

Author: Joseph

The first spoken words we read in the bible are of God saying, “Let there be light.” The words that follow are equally as important, “and there was light.” With four simple words, God creates light. In Hebrew, the original language of Genesis, only two words are used! God does not waste any words and each one holds great meaning.

“God does not waste any words and each one holds great meaning.”

God creates mankind in His image, which means He set them apart from the rest of creation and He also enabled them for His special purposes. One of the first privileges the first man, Adam, has is to name the animals that God has created. It is written that God brought the animals to the man to see what he would name them and that whatever the man chose to call each animal, that was their given name.

By words God creates an entire universe out of nothing. It is also by words that Adam identifies God’s creatures, and these names are established by the authority given to him by God.

Our words hold power. It is not simple coincidence that words are seen creating and establishing all of creation into perfect order. Words also hold meaning. When God brings the woman to Adam for the first time, Adam exclaims in awestruck thanksgiving, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”

We understand by our experiences how words affect the world we live in. We each were given a name at birth or have given a name to our children. We like to receive good words from our loved ones and words that affirm who we are as people. Words are carefully considered when introducing oneself or when attempting to make new friends. On the contrary, there are words that harm and destroy. Insults, profanities, curses, and lies all break down our relationships. Words also affects the way we think about others and even ourselves. And there are no words that lead to nothing. Every word we speak, whether carefully considered or careless, will bear consequences.

God’s words created, and Adam’s words showed creativity and joy.

Does your manner of speaking reflect the goodness of being created in God’s image? How can you improve your speech to bring goodness into the lives of others?

Bible Passage: Genesis 1:1 – 2:23

Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB).

Photo Credit: as published on

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