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Greater Things

Author: Joseph

Date: July 1, 2018

Israel passed through the Red Sea unharmed and freed from the bondage of Egypt. Moses, Miriam, and all of Israel joined in song, rejoicing at the work of God in delivering them. Devastating plagues had come upon Egypt but God provided protection for Israel. Pharaoh repeatedly told Israel numerous times they would never be freed, killed their children, and had their burdensome labor increased, but now Israel watched as Pharaoh and his armies were swallowed up by the sea. Their enemies were finally defeated and they would not be pursued any longer. This was a time of great relief and celebration.

The Israelites then passed from shores of the Red Sea into the wilderness of Shur. When three days of journeying had passed, they found no water to drink. The sound of joyous celebration was gone; Israel was now in need and their joy was fading away.

The only water that was found was bitter and could not be consumed. The people of Israel grumbled against Moses and so he petitioned to God for them. By God’s wisdom, Moses was able to make the waters sweet and drinkable. God provided for Israel and used the moment to establish a statute for them. He said that if they heeded His voice and did what was right according to Him, then he would not allow disease to come upon them and He would be their healer. Afterward, He brought them to an oasis in Elim which provided food and water.

Israel set out from Elim to the wilderness of Sin and there they began to grumble again against Moses and Aaron. They were hungry and complained that it would have been better if God had killed them in Egypt, recalling that Egypt had meat and bread to eat. Yet, what Israel did not remember is the affliction that caused them to cry out to God for deliverance from Egypt. The food of Egypt did not satisfy their need for freedom from slavery, but now by their own words, they resented God’s act of rescuing them. The people were focused on their hunger and disregarded that God was sovereign over the world and would provide for them.

God answered their cry again and used His provision of daily food to test them, to see if they would obey His instructions or if they would ignore Him after receiving His provision. Israel failed to obey Moses’s command from God. They were instructed not have any food remaining by the next day, but they kept it overnight and the manna spoiled and became foul with worms. God wanted to see that they would trust Him daily and believe that each day He would bring food to them again. By keeping the food overnight, Israel feared that there would be no food the next day and therefore did not trust in God.

Israel was being tested by God with their lack of food and water. God would not allow them to starve or thirst to death, rather, He wanted to test the endurance of their faith. The real test Israel faced was not in the lack of food or water, but in their ability to trust that God would provide. Israel became more in need each time they groaned and complained because their faith was diminishing and their ability to be led by Him was disappearing as well. This is seen especially when Moses feels threatened by the people, pleading to God while thinking Israel may stone him to death. The people of Israel were becoming unsettled to the point of violence to get what they wanted.

If you find yourself in need, do not add to your burden by complaining and losing faith. Losing faith in God causes what could have been beneficial testing to become a wearisome trial. God will always take care of His people. Wait for Him, stay faithful, and anticipate His provision knowing that He is with you. Israel was getting ready to enter into the land of promise and had much to hope for through their journey. Rejoice in the testing of your faith because God is preparing you for greater things.

Bible Passage: Exodus 15:1 - 16:21

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