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Hated for His Sake

Author: Joseph

Date: May 10, 2020

Who is more honored, the Master or the disciple? The Master, of course is more honored, for at least His disciples honor Him. Who is more hated and persecuted, the Master or the disciple? Though you may not have initially thought so, the disciple is more hated and persecuted (cf. Matthew 10:25). While the Master holds honor, at least in regards to His disciples, the disciple has no one that esteems him or her. The disciple receives no honor, no praise, no recognition yet receives the same hatred from those whom also hate the Master. Being a disciple to the Master, then, is a path of great pain.

The pain that comes with discipleship to the Master is the pain of endurance. Great physical, emotional, and mental pain as well as death may result from being hated by the world, yet God, our Master, is able to preserve the spirit of those who belong to Him.

What does it look like, to be hated and persecuted, yet to remain faithful to the Master until the end? It means being faithful no matter what the cost, whether it be a relationship, your finances, your reputation, or anything else that could be esteemed by the world. It means not compromising with people or things that are evil, always seeking goodness and righteousness even when it means looking foolish or naïve by those that hate God. It means denying the pursuit of treasures and pleasures of the world even if you are tempted or coaxed into pursuing them. It means living a life that only glorifies God and belittling all other people and things, even oneself, in comparison to Him. Remaining faithful through persecution is the path all disciples of God must follow and it must be done intentionally and diligently for your entire life.

After death, we are undefeated by those that hated us and persecuted us. When we have endured that far, we no longer suffer any pain and our Master will keep us as His own. Those that persecuted and hated us will not have relief after death, as God will cast them away into hell (Matthew 10:28).

We have nothing to fear, even with the most torturous death. Though the evil in the world may delight in our persecution, their feeling of success is short-lived, as they suffer the greatest when they are rejected by God and separated from Him forever in hell. The life that they have is short, but the life we receive after death is eternal.

The pain you suffer for the Master’s sake is only for a short time. Even though the world may persecute you your whole life, they will lose the most in the end when they suffer in hell. Be hated, be persecuted, and endure until the end. Your reward will be far greater than any treasures or pleasures this world has to offer. God never forsakes those that belong to Him and even in death we are still His and He will raise us up to new life. Endure until the end and be hated for His sake.

Matthew 10:24-31

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