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Honoring the One Who Blesses

Author: Joseph

Date: September 22, 2019

Moses and the elders of Israel instructed Israel to keep all of God’s commandments and to remember Him when the entered into the land of promise. They were told to take large stones and “coat them with lime and write on them all the words” that God had instructed them. Israel was also told to build an altar of uncut stones to make sacrifices to God. More instructions are given regarding the priests blessing the people and also placing a curse upon them that if they forsake God, great disaster will come upon them.

Israel’s entire way of living, their core culture, would remind them to honor God...

The people of Israel were about to enter the land of promise, but needed reminders to help them honor God while they lived in the land. The commandments of God were direct instructions in daily living that would be pleasing to God. The large stones that held the inscription of His words would be a physical reminder of His instructions so that they would never forget them. The altar reminded Israel that God alone provides for them and would also hold them accountable for their wrongdoings.

Israel’s entire way of living, their core culture, would remind them to honor God, the One who was bringing them into the land they had long waited for. Israel would not only see God’s blessings, but also remember to honor Him, the One Who blesses.

We live in a world full of distractions and often find ourselves scarcely reminded of God’s presence and Who He is. The words of God are rarely heard, physical reminders of Him are often overshadowed by denominational differences, and communicating with God has become a discipline that few know. In our world, our culture does not honor God and, furthermore, living a life for God is met with complex distractions and even great opposition.

If we are to honor the One Who blesses us with His presence and the good He brings, we must remind set our way of living to do so. We cannot expect to honor God if our lives are self-determined or if we sway and bend to distractions and opposition. Just as Israel required God’s interaction in their lives and His guidance for everything, so do we. Our society is not better than the people of Israel and in many ways is far worse.

Fill your life with things that honor God and remind you of Him while also holding fast to your relationship with Him. He is the One who blesses and no good thing comes from anywhere but Him. What distractions do you have in your life that steal away from His honor? What opposition do you face and how can you overcome it so that your life is solely dedicated to God alone?

Deuteronomy 27:1 - 10

Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB).

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