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Incomparable God

Author: Joseph

Date: September 1, 2019

When you hear the word “war,” what kind of person do you imagine fights the battles? A warrior who is well-prepared for battle is mentally and emotionally strong, able to maintain their sanity and their composure in the most stressful of circumstances. They are well-trained and knowledgeable which enables them to put forth their best efforts to benefit of those they serve and to overcome those that oppose them. Most importantly, however, is that these warriors have faith that they will be victorious.

In Deuteronomy, Moses it told that there are a few circumstances which forbid a man from entering battle. The last one listed is the forbiddance of those who are “afraid and fainthearted” (Deuteronomy 20:8). God tells Moses that these men should be allowed to return home since they would discourage the rest of the people with their fear. When these men are afraid, however, are not just being fearful, but also revealing their lack of faith in God.

"...we should focus on how much greater God is..."

God instructs His people to not be afraid since He is with them. The confidence of His people should rest in Him, not in the circumstances that surround them, nor by the might or will of their own abilities. God is the only one in whom they are to take confidence in.

The enemies of Israel were numerous, they were physically intimidating, they were well-equipped and well-defended. Israel, by comparison, was smaller, weaker, more vulnerable, and poorly equipped. If they looked to anything or anyone except God for their confidence, they would have been unable to have any confidence at all, and would have easily been defeated.

As believers in God, we have many enemies simply because we are His. Since the time of the garden of Eden this was true, as the serpent sought mankind’s downfall by planting doubt of God in them. As soon as the enemy was victorious in this act, the battle has been never-ending and ever-changing. Moses, bringing the Israelites out of Egypt was instructed on how to wage war against entire nations. The war had grown from a deceptive act into physical battles and it continued to change.

The war we face is always changing as our enemies always find new ways to achieve their goal: separation from God. Our enemies, like those that Moses faced, are often times bigger, stronger, well-equipped, and highly resourceful. They are determined.

If we lose confidence in God, our enemies will always be able to accomplish their goal. If we compare our own capacity and ability to theirs, we will find ourselves hopelessly outnumbered and out-resourced. Instead, we should focus on how much greater God is than they will ever be. Even within their greatest ability, our enemies cannot compare to the God we serve. When we understand this and put our confidence in God, we will never be fearful and will always come out victorious.

Truthfully evaluate your life. Do you really look to God for your victory? Or are you always looking to yourself, your resources, your authority, or whatever else it may be that draws your confidence away from God alone?

Bible Passage: Deuteronomy 20:1-8

Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB).

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