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John’s Proclamation

Author: Joseph

Date: November 10, 2019

John had one message for the world as he stepped into his prophetic calling: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 1:2). He proclaimed the need to repent for the forgiveness of sins, as many prophets did before him. John’s message was different, however, because he was also proclaiming the kingdom of heaven was near.

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

The kingdom of heaven is God’s rule in the lives of His people and His real, eternal rule over all His creation. John was being used by God to proclaim this message and cause people to repent because Yeshua, God in the flesh, was about to initiate the kingdom of God through His ministry. The kingdom of God was nearer than ever before and John was chosen to let everyone know.

When people heard John’s voice, they responded, either in repentance and subsequent baptism or by ignoring his message. John did not hold back from the severity of what he was proclaiming. Those that repented and were willing to accept God’s kingdom were saved. Adversely, those that ignored his message would face wrath and condemnation.

Why would those who chose to ignore John face wrath and condemnation? Whoever rejects God’s kingdom rejects the One who gives Life, the One who sustains all creation, and the One who gives salvation from the consequences of sin. If someone rejects God who gives life, can they live? No. They have chosen death instead. If someone rejects God who sustains all creation, can they stand firm and secure in a world they can’t control? No. They have chosen chaos and uncertainty. If someone rejects God who gives salvation, can they escape the consequences of sin? No. They have chosen to bear the consequences of sin upon themselves, which separates them from God and embraces death (the final consequence of sin).

John’s message of repentance prepared his listeners to embrace God’s kingdom when it was finally revealed through Yeshua. His message was not an option, it was a merciful opportunity.

When you hear the message of repentance and God’s kingdom, whether for the first time or even if you’ve heard it before, do not ignore the proclamation. God uses this call to draw you near to Him and make His kingdom a reality in your life.

Some hear the proclamation from God and simply ignore it, having rejected God altogether and condemn themselves by doing so. Others hear the proclamation and see the good in it, but are too proud in their own ways to allow for God’s kingdom over their lives (Ex. Matthew 3:7–10). Few people hear the proclamation and respond as God desires, embracing Him as their Salvation and as their King. It is better to be the few that respond well instead of following the majority of people who will never enter into the kingdom of God.

Have you repented from your sin and accepted God’s kingdom in your life? God’s kingdom requires your repentance from sin. You can no longer serve your own interests but must submit to God’s will for your life. Only then can you truly repent from sin and have His kingdom reign in your life.

Matthew 3:1-12

Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB).

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