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Author: Joseph

Date: May 27, 2018

Joseph was the youngest son of Jacob and the Bible introduces his story when he is just seventeen years of age. Joseph pastured the sheep along with his brothers. He was among them in their daily tasks, taking care of the sheep just as they were. But troubles stirs as we learn that Joseph brought back a “bad report” of his brothers to his father, Jacob, after being with them in the field. Joseph’s report must have brought disappointment and frustration to their father, who relied on his sons to care for their livestock.

"The plan of God was already in motion..."

Jacob loved Joseph more than his brothers because he was the son born to him in old age. Joseph’s birth was probably both unexpected and joyful to Jacob. Joseph was trusted and loved more than his brothers which stirred up their hatred towards him and it is written that they could not even speak with him kindly because of it. Joseph was loved by his father but was hated by his brothers.

Joseph, obeying the command of his father, went to go observe how his brothers and the flocks were faring. When his brothers saw him, it is written, “they plotted against him to put him to death.” Jacob sent Joseph to his brothers as a sheep among wolves without realizing it. Although the sons of Jacob sought Joseph’s life, God was about to use the situation to save the entire family. God was about to show undeserving mercy to a family full of strife and hatred.

Instead of killing Joseph, Reuben convinced his brothers to throw Joseph into a pit. He had intended to rescue him from the pit later on and return him to Jacob. The other brothers were convinced and threw him in a pit instead of killing him. The plan of God was already in motion though, and Reuben would not get the chance to rescue Joseph. As Ishmaelites were passing by the sons of Jacob, they sold Joseph to them and he was taken to Egypt.

Joseph is taken away from his family, taken away from his home, and is stripped of his identity as he becomes a slave in Egypt. Even through these circumstances, Joseph understands that God is with him. The Bible states that “the LORD was with him” and “the LORD caused all that he did to prosper in his hand” (Genesis 39:3). Joseph remembers God with each new circumstance he faces and makes it well known that God is sovereign over his life and over all the world. After many unfavorable circumstances, Joseph’s faith in God and God’s favor towards him places him as the highest authority in Egypt, second only to Pharaoh.

Joseph again confronts his brothers and although he reminds them of their sin and surfaces their guilt, he also extends mercy upon his family and saves them from a great famine in the land.

God takes notice of our lives, no matter how lowly we become and no matter how insignificant we appear to those around us. He often uses the humble in heart to extend his mercy and to show that He is in control of all of our circumstances. Do you think that God is unaware of your life? His mercy is not far away. Endure the temporary trials and put your faith in Him and you will see His mercy come alive in your life.

Bible Passage: Genesis 37:1 – 46:7

Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB).

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