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Narrow Path, Small Gate

Author: Joseph

Date: February 16, 2020

Many enter the way to destruction. Entering this wide gate does not take much effort, if any at all. The wide gate of destruction lies open, accepting anyone that travels along the broad path. No detour needs to be taken. No obstacle needs to be removed. This wide gate, of course, is the way of living without God and without salvation that only comes through Yeshua. This way of life only requires that you keep living your life the way that almost everyone else does – opposed to God and in rejection of His salvation. This path is filled with sinful pleasures, pride in mankind and its ability, and idolatries of all sorts. Do not be deceived. The broad path and wide gate that leads to destruction is the way most people will go and you cannot follow their way of living and expect to avoid this path yourself.

Few find the way that leads to life.

Few means a few; it does not mean half, it does not include everyone you know, and it certainly cannot mean the opposite (many). Only a few among each generation are ever faithful to God and only a few of each generation will ever find the narrow path. Before the earth was flooded during the time of Noah, the Bible states that he alone found favor in God’s sight, among all the people of the world.

For the Israelites wandering in the desert, only two were allowed to enter the land of promise that were among the people that left from Egypt. (Although Moses was considered righteous, he could not enter the land because he dishonored God before the people). All the people of Israel allowed to enter the promise land, except Joshua and Caleb, were a new generation. The rest died in the desert because of their sin. Only a remnant of Israel survived the destruction of conquering nations as they were exiled from the land of promise during the time of Israel’s kings. Many turned to idolatry and forsook God, so they were destroyed when the conquering nations attacked Israel or they died as captives.

Few have found the way that leads to life and few will find it during your lifetime.

Yeshua gives us a warning, but also encouragement as we seek to understand His words. If you have found the narrow path through Him, you have great reason to rejoice, as you are among few. If you have not, then He is warning you, calling you to repent from sin and accept His salvation so that you can separate yourself from the broad path that leads to destruction and death.

"...they are completely apart from each other."

The opposite of the wide gate that leads to destruction is the small gate on the narrow path. Yeshua’s salvation and a life with God is on a completely separate path than the one that leads to destruction. You cannot remain in the broad path and hope to enter into the small gate; they are completely apart from each other. If you want to enter the small gate and receive salvation from Yeshua, the narrow path needs to be taken. The narrow path is the only way that avoids destruction. If you have found the way of salvation through Yeshua, ensure that you stay on the narrow path. Though you are among few, you have the reward of entering through the small gate at the end. Do not envy the broad or those walking along it. Although there are many on it, in the end, it leads to destruction rather than fulfillment. Many will mock you for not being among them on the broad path, but continue your walk faithfully and endure to the end. The narrow path is the only path that leads to life and fulfillment.

Matthew 7:13-14

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