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Persuasive Lies

Author: Joseph

Date: April 25, 2021

The Bible is a wonderful resource that we are blessed and privileged to have so freely available to read. Yet, its availability has caused many to reduce the value of its words and its message. We are able to read it whenever we want, yet many do not. We are able to read all the various writings contained in a single book that is small enough to be carried around in our hands (and with technology, on our mobile electronic devices). The prevalence and ease-of-access of the Bible has made it unholy in the sights of many of its readers. We have so many choices in translation versions as well that it has seemingly diminished the importance of the truth the Bible contains. The words have been reduced to mere writings and its availability has made its readers lazy to seek its wisdom and truth. Do not be deceived, the Bible is still holy to God and He uses the Bible to speak the Truth to us.

I want you to understand this before we continue because the Bible is an awesome source of God’s wisdom that can speak directly into every part of our lives and regarding everything around us.

For this article, I want to focus on understanding the Bible’s teachings on false gospels because one of the most prevalent threats to our faith, particularly in the western world, is not the persecution of believers, rather, it is the deception of believing a false gospel. Our adversary, Satan, is particularly keen on using false gospels to lead God’s people astray because a false gospel is very easy to create and even easier to disguise as truth. But why create false gospels instead of just outright persecuting believers? Because it hides the evil intention and has a greater chance of turning people away from God than persecution. Persecution can often actually lead to stronger faith, whereas deception can misdirect faith without the person being aware of it, which deceives the person into thinking they believe what is true when in reality they have put their faith in a lie. While people whose faith is strong may resist persecution well, the seemingly “non-threatening” nature of a false gospel can have them put their guard down and be persuaded to accept lies because it doesn’t “appear bad” and usually mixes in just enough truth to be believable. False gospels have lead people away from God before and they continue to be a problem (Galatians 1:6-10; 2 Peter 2:1-3).

"...a false gospel is very easy to create and even easier to disguise as truth."

Satan sometimes works this way with God’s people: he will first try to “befriend” them with deception and then, if he is unsuccessful, he will then begin to persecute them (for example: Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 22:1-6). “That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun.” – Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NASB). Satan still tries to “befriend” those who are seeking God with false gospels hoping that they will never come to know the truth and that their faith and way of living will be nonthreatening to his schemes.

To name a few of the false gospels:

Prosperity gospel (worldly success is an entitlement and the goal of faith). Biblical counter-argument: Proverbs 24:19-20; Matthew 6:19-21. We are promised salvation, not worldly goods.

Moral gospel or self-help gospel (salvation through self-improvement). Biblical counter-argument: Isaiah 64:6; Ephesians 2:8-9. We cannot improve our life to the point of being saved, only Yeshua can purify into salvation.

Universalism (everyone is saved regardless of if they follow the multitude of false gods [idols]). Biblical counter-argument: Isaiah 43:10-11; John 14:6. There is none other except the Lord God of the Bible and salvation is through Him alone.

Lawless gospel (the belief that God gives us unlimited permission to do as we please). Biblical counter-argument: Deuteronomy 12:8; Romans 6:1-6; 1 John 3:4-9. Salvation does not mean permission to sin and it should cause a desire in us to live obediently to God as best we can without fear of eternal death.

Moral relativism (such as “woke theology,” that teaches that truth is subjective and depends on circumstances). Biblical counter-argument: Isaiah 5:20-21; Galatians 5:16-26. God does not teach chaos and uncertainty; He is and He teaches Truth that is never-changing.

False-identity gospel (if you call yourself a Christian, you are saved, regardless of not believing Yeshua). Biblical counter-argument: Isaiah 29:13; Matthew 3:7-12; Luke 13:23-27. No claim on our part can replace a true relationship with God; we only deceive ourselves no matter what other people think of us.

All of these “gospels” as well as others not listed here are used to “befriend” people to half-truths (lies) and satisfy our adversary, Satan. What would have been great faith is then turned into a great deception. But these “gospels” are much easier to believe than the Truth because they appeal to our sinful desires and therefore they are more acceptable for people who do not know better. False gospels do not require us to live a life that is submitted to God nor do they accept the truth that we must suffer for Yeshua just as He also suffered much (Matthew 10:24-28; 1 Peter 4:12-13).

False gospels are also difficult to come out of because of their appeal to sinful desires and their disguise as biblical truth. The person who believes a false gospel may truly believe they believe in the gospel of the Bible. And even worse, every false gospel has its own defenses (apologetics) that further builds up deception in the minds of those who believe them. This is another reason false gospels are such a shrewd tool of Satan to keep people away from the Truth. False gospels create great spiritual bondage in those who believe them.

So, how do we avoid them and how do we help others who have become ensnared with them? We need to first know the Truth for ourselves which means having confidence in what the Bible teaches us and in our relationship with God. Then we need to disciple – not just preach – the true gospel into the lives of those who have been brought to us by God. When we abandon our duty to disciple people, they become vulnerable to the deceptive false gospels and their teachers. We have to take responsibility as the community of God to not only receive new believers, but to train them up in our faith as well. If you yourself have not been discipled, then now is a good time to seek out other believers who can help you live according to God’s word and help one another to persevere in the faith. Where there is unity and humble submission to God, you are better equipped to defend against the lies of Satan and the false gospels that can tempt you away from the Truth (Hebrews 3:12-14).

Fill your life with the Truth of Scripture and surround yourself with fellow believers whom with you can live out your lives faithfully to God in humility.

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