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Sons of Faithfulness

Author: Joseph

Date: December 30, 2018

When Korah and the company with him rebelled against Moses and Aaron, they were swallowed up by the earth and perished. The two-hundred and fifty men that offered up incense were burned up in a blaze of fire from the Lord. All that remained in Korah’s tents was consumed by the earth and died.

The sons of Korah, however, were not killed during their father’s rebellion. The sons of Korah separated themselves from their father and did not partake in his rebellion. Rather, they remained faithful to God and his choosing of Moses and Aaron to lead Israel.

Unlike their father, the sons of Korah were Levites who feared God and their descendants continued to bear good fruit. They wrote songs praising God that are still recorded in our bibles to this day in the book of Psalms (Example: Psalm 44-49). By staying loyal to God before their own family, they were blessed.

When we face the difficult decision of being faithful to God or those in our lives that wish to take the place of God, it is important to have a vision for the future which ultimately results in coming before God for judgment of our lives. Our families and friends do not have to answer for what we do in our life, only we will be held responsible for the choices we make. Appeasing or pleasing others is never a reason to go against God.

Korah faced the immediate consequences of his disloyalty and rebellion against God. All that Korah owned and all those who stood beside him during his rebellion could not justify his sin against God, nor could they save him from God’s judgment. Korah and all those who supported him perished in their sin.

The sons of Korah, however, remained in God’s mercy by denying their father and choosing God. All that they owned and all those that were with them were spared from death and their lives continued to be blessed as they served God in the ministry of the Levites. Their service is recorded and their psalms are written in the Bible now, serving an eternal purpose in God’s plan for all people to know Him and become His own.

The sons of Korah faced a difficult decision the day their father chose to rebel against Moses, but their choice resulted in eternal blessing that multiplied to benefit all people of the world. When we choose to remain loyal to God, we also bring blessing into the world and our deeds spread His goodness to those around us.

Choose God every time a decision requires you to decide between Him and something else. By remaining loyal to God, we will face harsh criticisms and even rejection, but these do not compare to the consequences of betraying God and denying Him. You can stand firm in your faith to Him. The criticisms and rejection from family and friends will never separate you from God. The choice, though sometimes emotionally difficult, is clear – always choose God over anything else.

Bible Passage: Numbers 26:1-11

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