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Take God's Lead and Rest

Author: Joseph

Date: October 11, 2020

John was executed by Herod Antipas. John, the baby that leaped in the womb of Elizabeth as Yeshua came near in the womb of Mary. John, the man who fearlessly proclaimed the coming of the Messiah and taught repentance from sins. John, the one who humbled himself so that Yeshua could be exalted even more in His ministry. John was executed because of a foolish oath made in the heat of lust between Herod and his own niece. An innocent man was murdered in a dehumanizing and treacherous way as a token reward for promiscuity.

Yeshua heard about John’s execution and He withdrew from where He was along with His disciples and went into a short time of isolation (Matthew 14:12; cf. Mark 6:30-32). His own disciples were tired from their teaching and working and He wanted to give them rest. (it is not written if the disciples of John joined them, but even if they didn’t, it is likely that they also spent time in isolation to rest and mourn).

Like John, Yeshua would suffer a similar fate of being executed as an innocent man. Yeshua’s disciples would as well. Yet, even though their lives would be cut short and even though their ministry was urgent, Yeshua knew the importance of resting when needed.

"...Yeshua knew the importance of resting when needed."

John was dead, yes, but that did not send Yeshua and His disciples into a fast-paced race to preach and teach as fast as they could before their deaths would come. They knew that God was in control of the timing of everything and would allow them to complete the work He established for them. All they had to do was follow His lead. Yeshua, God in the flesh, was leading them to rest, and so they did.

God knows the importance of the work He has for you to do. He understands the importance of your life in His plan. Do not think that pursuing active work all the time is a good thing. Sometimes the best thing to do is take God’s lead and rest when needed. Rest is also a part of life that is essential to God’s plan. It’s why Yeshua brought His disciples into isolation for a short time. It goes even as far back as God establishing the sabbath after creating all things. Rest is necessary and sometimes the best thing you can do with your time.

Do you feel like you are constantly running after goals and plans? When do you rest? How do you know when it is time to rest? Take God’s lead and look to the example of Yeshua and His disciples. Rest is a good part of life and it should be embraced when it is required.

Matthew 14:12-13.

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