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The Mountain at Sinai

Author: Joseph

Date: July 22, 2018

Israel gathered in front of Mount Sinai and camped there, as led by God. God then descended upon the mountain in fire and smoke filled the air around the mountain. The mountain quaked and there were flashes of lightning and thunder. The Bible states that a “very loud trumpet sound” was also heard – a befitting entrance for God who was appearing before His creation. The Lord, who brought them out of Egypt with mighty signs and wonders, was personally making an appearance.

God commanded Israel through Moses, saying that they should not try to come through the cloud of smoke to see him. He also instructed them to cleanse themselves and not to touch the mountain, where His holy presence was dwelling. Then God spoke to all of Israel from the mountain, uttering the ten commandments. The Israelites trembled in fear at the sight of the mountain and at the sounds they heard, so they asked Moses to speak to them so that they would not die from hearing the voice of God. Moses then went back up the mountain to hear from God.

God instructed Moses to tell Israel, “You yourselves have seen that I have spoken to you from heaven. You shall not make other gods besides Me; gods of silver or gods of gold, you shall not make for yourselves” (Exodus 20:22-23). This is the second time God mentions the sin of idolatry very soon after uttering the ten commandments, of which include the commandment to not make idols, nor worship or serve them.

At Mount Sinai, God was testing Israel. Moses tells Israel that God was seeing if they would fear the Lord and thereby not sin. God appeared with smoke, fire, and earthquakes to remind Israel that He is their Creator and an awesome God. He spoke with a thundering voice and kept them at a distance so that they would be reminded that He is their holy Lord. And throughout their journey He had proven Himself to be their loving provider. Such a relationship, Moses must have thought, should be enough reason to love and fear the Lord. God, however, understood that this moment would be a test for Israel, and so He warned them twice regarding the worship of idols.

Moses came down from Sinai again and recounted to Israel more commandments from God and all of Israel responded by saying that they would do everything that God had spoken. Offerings were made and the people of Israel were now responsible for their adherence to what God was commanding them to do. Moses went up to the mountain again to receive the stone tablets with God’s instruction on them. This time he remained for a much longer time. He remained on the mountain for forty days and forty nights.

Instructions were given to Moses on how to build the tabernacle, on what the priests were to wear, and how to consecrate them for tabernacle service. God was preparing Israel for having communication and relationship with Him through the holy priesthood. He wanted them to have a way to Him that was safe for them since He is holy. God thought beforehand all the details of what was needed to keep them near to Him, but also to keep them safe since they were prone to sin. As Moses was hearing these instructions from God on the mountain, Israel was already betraying God.

The people of Israel assembled and asked Aaron to build them a god that would go before them. They were getting impatient and were under the impression that Moses was nowhere to be found and may have died on the mountain. Aaron willingly gathered materials and built them a golden calf. He also proclaimed that it was the god that brought them out of Egypt, even proclaiming offerings and festivities to be conducted in celebration. God took notice of their betrayal and His anger burned.

He alone had led them out of Egypt. He had given them food to eat and water to drink. God alone had kept them safe from their enemies and allowed them to defeat the Amalekites. He was making a covenant with them so that they could be His people, but they wanted to be the people of an idol.

Israel disobeyed God’s warning regarding idols. Twice He had instructed them to not create an image and worship it. The consequence for Israel’s sin is recorded: the sons of Levi took up their swords and killed all those who were worshipping the idol. The Lord Himself also declared that anyone that committed the sin against Him, He would blot out from His records; they would die because of their sin.

God knows the temptations we face in the world and He warns us adequately so that we have a chance to turn away from them and follow after Him. God was working hard to ensure that Israel would be purified from the sins that tempted them as well. Israel was in Egypt for hundreds of years immersed in a culture filled with idolatry and detestable sins. They needed to be renewed and cleansed from the spiritual darkness that was engrained in their minds and hearts. We also actively live among nations where sin is encouraged and even promoted as a good thing. Do not be deceived by those that promote such evil and cry out for their own kinds of idols to be made, just as the Israelites did to Aaron. God is seeking to be in relationship with you which requires your loving, committed obedience to Him. Nothing or no one can come before Him. When anything else take His place, it only leads to death.

Is there an idol in your life that you are serving? Rethink of all the things that you have put before God, or even replaced Him with: entertainment, finances, business, sex, pride, "love," people, or a multitude of other things. None of these can replace God. What do you spend time and effort on that disrupts your relationship with God? Cast away your idols and turn to God in repentance and in love.

Bible Passage: Exodus 19:3 – 32:35

Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB).

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