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The Way, the Truth, and the Life

Author: Joseph

Date: October 9, 2019

What matters in your life? What do you really think is important? Through what kind of perspective do you see the world around you and the life you live in it? Here’s what I used to think.

I once thought that indulging in the fantasy world of entertainment was a good way to stay happy. I connected with many friends and even with family through this way of living. Looking back, I can see how this not only stained me spiritually, but also distracted me from living the life that God wanted me to live. Instead of seeking things that were true and good, I sought things that were fantasy (falsehood) and filled with ungodliness. I even went as far as trying to bring the falsehood I was entertained by into reality, only to be greatly disappointed and left with a sense of emptiness, proved wrong by an encounter with the Truth and what is true.

I once thought that personal happiness was what was most important in life, that as long as I was doing things that seemed to bring me joy, then life would be meaningful. Looking back, I can see how not only did this lead me to deep depression, but also distracted me from acknowledging the rest of my emotions and maintaining a healthy heart. I was embittered, depressed, and grieved over the reality that the feeling of happiness would never be consistent in my life. I was emotionally empty and never filled up, proved wrong by Life and what life is really like in a world where sin exists.

I once thought that I could see the world however I wished and that only my perception was holding me back from living a life that I would find meaningful. I even tried to convince myself that I could choose any way of living and as long as I was committed to it, that I would find my identity and a purpose to drive my life forward. I wanted a journey for my life that didn’t seem aimless. Yet, I was lost, confused, and always unsure of who I was. Looking back, I can see how vulnerable I was to being someone I was never supposed to be, and I can also see how meaningless my life would have been if I was never shown the Way. I was proved wrong by the Way. There was only one path I needed to take in order to find who I was and to find the life that was worth living.

I found the answer to all the problems I created, all the questions I had, and all the emptiness I was living in…

Yeshua, the beloved name of God, Who rescued me.

That God Himself would reveal who He is, through Yeshua, to someone like me is a miracle. Yet, He has revealed Himself to all people through Yeshua and the testimony of His disciples who were with Him so long ago. He is not a fantasy, He is not a tale of happiness to lift the spirit, He is not “just another way” as if there is anything that is comparable. Yeshua is really the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

"You have to seek Yeshua..."

How Yeshua changed me is only a small part of His own story, in fact, it is only a small representation of all that He did (and is doing). My life is not the good news. My life will not give you knowledge of who Yeshua is. My life can only reflect on His story and the testimony He left with those that followed Him. My life can only give you a glimpse into what can be revealed to you through a relationship with Him. You have to seek Yeshua and know His story. You have to read His good news. You have to know Him and have a relationship with Him yourself.

But that is only if you want to know the Way to live, only if you want to know what is really Truth, and only if you are really seeking to live Life.

Seek Yeshua and leave behind how you used to think. Leave behind the emptiness, the confusion, and the futility of a life lived without Him.

What really matters? Is what you consider important now actually important? Do you really see the world around you with true knowledge? Do you see your life for what it actually is? Isn’t it time you reflected on all these things and genuinely consider Yeshua’s words when He says that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life? And for those who already believe Yeshua’s testimony, isn’t it time you started actively living your life in His Truth, in His Way, and by His Life which we gives you?

(For your meditation on what you read today: "No Other Name" by Casting Crowns, © 2014 Hillsong Music Publishing,

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