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  • Writer's pictureKadosh Ministries


Author: Joseph

Date: October 7, 2018

The people of Israel journeyed out of Egypt and into the wilderness without time to spare. The Israelites did not even have enough time for their bread to rise or prepare provisions for themselves (Exodus 12:39). In the wilderness, the Israelites had to follow the cloud by day and fire by night, not knowing when God would move them elsewhere (Exodus 40:36-38). They were a people constantly on the move and the time they spent in one location was never certain.

"...we require it for our relationship with Him."

Even still, God asked the Israelites to observe certain set apart times for His glory. The first one, the sabbath, is a weekly event when it was mandatory to rest and do no work. This holy day is well-known. There is also the Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Feast of First Fruits, Feast of Weeks, Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Booths. God set apart time for His people not only to recall His history with them, but also as a part of an ever-growing relationship with them.

Just as Israel found themselves busy in the wilderness so we as people will have lives filled with activities, plans, and things to keep us occupied. This is in vain, however, if we are unable to set apart time for God. Time is important to God, not because He requires it Himself, but because we require it for our relationship with Him. God is forever, we are created beings who are born and die. The time we have is limited and how we use it must always set God as the priority.

As you read through the festivals of Israel and see their significance, why do you think God calls these times to our attention? The importance of these feasts for the sake of His people cannot be overlooked; they were created for us. Each festival has a deeper message beyond the ceremonial aspects. God does not waste time with us and wants to speak to us in the time that is spent with Him.

Do not waste away your life by falling into passive observance of time spent with God. More importantly, do not spend your life aiming at meaningless goals that do not go beyond yourself and that do not serve God's purpose in choosing you as His own. These things distract us from where we need to invest in - into eternity.

Think about how you spend time and make the changes needed so that God is the center of your life and gets the priority in how you spend your time. What are you willing to do with your time to center God in your life? You can make the changes, but will you take the next step and act out faithfully to Him in doing so?

Bible Passage: Leviticus 23:1-44

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