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Treasure in Heaven

Author: Joseph

Date: March 10, 2019

Yeshua spoke to a large crowd on a mountain side with many wonderful teachings about being His disciple as well as various disciplines for living for God. One of His teachings was to not store up treasures on earth, but to instead store up treasures in heaven. Yeshua was telling people that their hearts should not be bound to what is on earth, but instead should eagerly seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness. The treasures in heaven, then, are unlike the treasures of the earth, as they are non-physical things that add to God’s kingdom and exalt Him as the righteous God who He is.

An example of a treasure in heaven is practicing righteousness in secret, that is, not to be noticed by other people. Practicing righteousness can be praying alone in private, where no one can see. It can also be secretly giving to the poor, fasting without neglecting one’s appearance, preaching the kingdom of God, and performing good works of the kingdom (healing, cleansing, casting out demons) freely and without seeking selfish gain (Matthew 6). All these treasures of heaven give glory to God and reap eternal benefits by adding to His kingdom. Those that seek the treasures in heaven do so because it glorifies God, not because they think it should benefit themselves.

If someone’s focus is on the treasures of earth, then they will not be able to seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness. They will seek the things they desire and never find them. The treasures of earth are easily degraded, destroyed, or stolen, and so chasing after them is futile because they never last (Matthew 6:19). Some examples of the treasures of earth are wealth of various kinds, idols, immoral acts, and other fleshly indulgences. Those that seek the treasures of the earth will be consumed with anxiety and chase after things that poorly imitate the good things that God would have provided them with if they sought the treasures of heaven instead. Only God can satisfy mankind’s deepest desires and this only happens when we end our pursuit of the treasures of earth and seek the treasures in heaven.

If someone thinks that they can seek the kingdom of God and seek the treasures of the earth, they are wrong (Matthew 6:24, 31-33). Like a servant divided by two masters, a person will have to choose between one or the other.

Do you desire basic things like relationships, food, clothing, or shelter? God knows you need these and will provide them for you in the exact measure of your need. When you pursue the treasures of the earth and try to satisfy these needs, you will be disappointed and find yourself chasing after something that will never satisfy. When your focus is set on the treasures of heaven, that is, things that add to God’s kingdom and glorify Him, then you will never lack anything you need.

When we seek selfish desire and the things of the world, we fill ourselves up only to find that we are empty of anything that lasts. But when we seek selfless treasures in heaven and the things of God’s kingdom, we empty ourselves and find that in the end we are fulfilled and satisfied.

Bible Passage: Matthew 6:1-34

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