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Updated: Jan 14, 2019

Author: Joseph

Date: January 13, 2019

Moses addresses the leaders of the tribes of Israel and gives them various commands regarding vows, of which the first is that any oath that is made must not be violated. The person who makes the vow must do exactly what they have spoken or else they will be guilty before God and bear the consequences.

Men are immediately bound to their word and must do according to what they have said. Women are given an opportunity to have their vows annulled by their father (if they are unmarried) or their husband (if they are married). If the woman is a widow or divorced, however, her vows are bound just as it is with the man.

These various categories of vows show us a greater truth: vows are accountable to God and can bring judgment upon us if done carelessly. What if a man acts foolishly and makes an oath when not in his right mind? What if a woman makes a vow that would lead to sin and her husband of father says nothing to annul it? If the widow or divorced woman make a vow, what is to stop her from speaking carelessly?

People quite often have a difficult time fulfilling promises they make to other people or even promises to themselves. Some people promise others time, resources, or finances. Others promise themselves insincere commitments, selfish rewards, or even sinful fulfillment. How much worse is it to promise something to God and come under judgment for the inability to fulfill it?

Vows, oaths, words of commitment – whatever word chosen to describe a promise – should always be done with the absolution that they will never be broken and that the person making them can fulfill them.

If a vow cannot be made with assurance, then it should not be made at all. The truth is that most people cannot fulfill the vows they make and often are left with feelings of guilt and disappointment, thereafter facing the consequences of their careless words.

If vows are so difficult to keep, does that mean we should never make any promises? No, because some of the most fulfilling relationships are built on promises, such as our relationship with God and our spouse. These relationships above all others are also to be taken with great significance because the consequences of breaking these relationships will result in just as great severity as the bond that unites them.

God promises to remain faithful in everything that He speaks and will never deny us when we are in relationship with Him (Numbers 23:19) and expects us to do the same with Him (Example: Exodus 24:7-8). The relationship with our spouse should bear similar earnestness because the bond of becoming one (Genesis 2:23-24) is more intimate than any other relationship with other people in our lives. The vows that are initiated by these relationships are necessary and some of the only vows we should ever make.

By every word we speak we will be justified or condemned. Careless words will always bring guilt, disappointment, and consequences. Be careful not to make promises that cannot be kept and not to speak when you are not in the right mind to do so.

What have you promised God or someone that you have not kept? Do you take lightly that every word you speak will come under judgment? Only say as you will do and say nothing beyond what you know you are capable of doing. No occasion demands that you make a promise “just because” or to make the listener feel good about what you are saying. Always be sincere and humble in the way you speak.

Bible Passage: Numbers 30:1-16

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