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Within His Power

Author: Joseph

Date: June 3, 2018

A great famine came over the land of Egypt while Joseph was second-in-command to Pharaoh. With God’s guidance, the Egyptians were able to prepare for the famine under Joseph’s leadership. Joseph set up a system so that food was saved over the years of plenty in preparation for the seven years of hardship. The Egyptians, after a short time had passed, were still unprepared for the famine and sought Pharaoh’s help for grain and seed.

"Pharaoh had all... within his control."

The Egyptians first purchased food with their money, then they bought food by selling their livestock. Lastly, the Egyptians sold their land and then themselves into slavery under Pharaoh. Pharaoh had all the wealth, the land, and the people of Egypt within his control.

An unknown amount of time passes as Jacob and his sons pass away, and a new Pharaoh comes to rule who does not remember Joseph or how God used him to save the people. The new Pharaoh still has control over the wealth, the land, and the Egyptian people, yet he becomes fearful of the Israelites because they have multiplied and become a great number of people. Pharaoh fearfully guides his people, telling them, “Come, let us deal wisely with them, or else they will multiply and in the event of war, they will also join themselves to those who hate us, and fight against us and depart from the land” (Exodus 1:10). Pharaoh most feared that the Israelites would try to betray him in a time of war, and so he enslaved them. The Israelites were peaceful towards the Egyptians, living without conflict, but Pharaoh’s fear overcame him.

Pharaoh behaved like many people do when they fear the loss of something important to them - whether it is power, wealth, property, or anything else. The truth is this fear is both unrealistic and a sign of self-reliance rather than reliance in God alone. When we trust God, we do not fear to lose anything because it is all in His possession regardless. We are but stewards of what He has given us and so although we are responsible, it is God who is ultimately responsible for the things He has blessed us with.

God’s power is beyond man’s and God’s ability to safekeep His blessings is beyond anything we could ever do. Do you fear that God is unwilling or at worst, unable to guarantee His blessing in your life? Why would you rather put trust in yourself than in the God of all creation? This misplaced trust in yourself and lack of trust in God will cause great sorrow, as it did to Pharaoh and the Egyptians. Place your trust in God alone and believe that He will safeguard you and take care of you. All things are within His power alone.

Bible Passage: Genesis 47; Exodus 1.

Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB).

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