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Canaan or Sodom?

Author: Joseph

Date: March 11, 2018

Abram and Lot left together on the journey into the land of Canaan when God commanded Abram to go to the land that He would show him. God had told Abram to leave behind his family and his father’s house, but he brought Lot along anyway. God was not asking for Abram to leave his family behind to abandon them. God understood that the rest of Abram’s family was not capable of submitting to Him and that Abram alone would be able to maintain his faith. God also saw knew beforehand that Lot would be troubled in this journey.

"...he would suffer the consequences of their sins."

Abram’s herdsmen and Lot’s herdsmen began to quarrel over territory. Abram and Lot had both accumulated so many possessions that it was impossible to live together. Before any fighting broke out, Abram confronted Lot and asked Lot to choose the land he wanted for himself and then Abram would take the other half. The Bible states that Lot looked upon the land and saw that the Jordan Valley was plentiful, like Egypt. Lot chose this land, and soon became assimilated into the land of Sodom nearby.

Sodom was known for its sinful men, which the Bible states were “wicked exceedingly and sinners against the Lord.” Now that Lot was among them, he would suffer the consequences of their sins. When Sodom went to war with the surrounding kings, Lot did not go out to war, yet he was captured by the fleeing armies and brought into the hills as a fugitive; his family and all that belonged to him were taken. By the mercy of God, Abram was informed by a fugitive that escaped and he then pursued Lot’s captors, rescuing Lot and all that he owned.

Lot then returned to Sodom after his rescue. The Bible doesn’t explain why Lot chose to return after his ordeal, but it seems he felt a sense of obligation to the people of Sodom, even if he did not like the way they were living.

The Lord appeared to Abraham – his name had now been changed – and warned him of the impending doom of Sodom. Knowing that Lot dwelt there, Abraham asked God to spare the city if there were fifty men who were found righteous. Abraham attempted to bargain with God, eventually only asking for ten righteous men to be found in order to spare the city. The city, however, would not be spared.

Lot had entered the city of Sodom with many servants, enough to take care of his plentiful belongings and herds of animals. Lot also had his wife and two daughters, but yet, beyond his own wife and daughters there were no others in his household worthy of sparing. Lot’s household had become affected by the sin of Sodom and were not living righteously.

Lot was trying to live among wicked men who sinned continuously against God in such a great way that there was an outcry to God from the victims of their sinning. When Lot had sheltered the two messengers of God, the people of the city gathered in a great mass before his house and attempted to overtake him. The people of Sodom could have easily overcome Lot’s household, but God’s messengers protected him. It is clear that Lot had no good influence over the people of Sodom and the evil in them was too great.

When a believer associates with non-believers, it is important to determine why we are doing so and how the relationship is affecting us as well as them. Is the non-believer seeing the goodness of God in you and being led to righteousness? Or are you led astray in your walk with God? Although we are called to share who God is with others, if we are unable to stand for righteousness and unable to prioritize God, we can become timid or even conform to the ways of wicked people and sin against God. Reflect on the relationships in your life. How does each relationship affect your walk with God?

Bible Passage: Genesis 13:5 - 19:16

Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB).

Photo Credit: Gidon Pico from

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