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Like Children, Part 2

Author: Joseph

Date: December 4, 2022

Yeshua wanted His disciples to be like children, humbly receiving Him and following Him. They were also to be like children because they carried God’s authority. Not through themselves, but by the One who sent them, God. They themselves had to act in this manner because through their carrying out of God’s work, those that they interacted with would face consequences (peace or judgment) depending on the manner of their interactions.

Yeshua said that, “whoever receives on such child in My name receives Me” (Matthew 18:5). What does this mean? How does someone receive a disciple of God? We see this explained in the manner that Yeshua sends out His disciples into the world.

When sending out His disciples to go ahead of Him as He preached, Yeshua instructed them: “As for you, enter the house, give it your greeting. If the house is worthy, give it your blessing of peace. But if it is not worthy, take back your blessing of peace. Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out from that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet” (Matthew 10:12-14). Wherever they were accepted, the Good News of God’s kingdom could be preached and blessing could follow. The disciples were instructed to preach that the kingdom of God and perform miracles of healing, raising the dead, cleansing lepers, casting out demons, and any works given to them by God. They were told to do so freely, without restraint. They could do all sorts of good works empowered by God for His kingdom.

However, if the disciples were rejected, Yeshua stated that wrathful judgment would come upon those who reject them. He states that even Sodom and Gomorrah’s judgment would seem less harsh in comparison to those who rejected the disciple of Yeshua (because by rejecting the disciple, they are rejecting Yeshua). Rejection of a disciple of Yeshua would bring about calamity because those who reject them reject God who sent them, not accepting the Good News that would have showed them the path to salvation.

"...Sodom and Gomorrah’s judgment would seem less harsh in comparison..."

Do not be discouraged when you do God’s work and people reject you. Our calling is to make disciples of all nations and to teach them everything Yeshua has taught us. The acceptance or rejection by others of our message and mission from God is not a measurement of our value to God, rather it is a judgment, for good or bad, upon them. Instead of seeing it as a personal rejection, know that they are rejecting God Who sent you. Instead of being upset or feeling discouraged, pray that they do not reject God forever, for which the consequences are eternal. Pray for them and then continue in your walk with God. Remembering that many are called, but few are chosen (Matthew 7:13-14; 22:14). It is for those few chosen that we continue our work with great motivation.

Matthew 18:5

Scripture quotations taken from the (NASB®) New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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