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Making Good Choices

Author: Joseph

Date: April 8, 2018

Abraham asked his servant to go and find a wife for Isaac from among his relatives. Abraham was well advanced in age and wanted to help his son by bringing him a wife who would be used by God to maintain His covenant. Knowing the people of the Canaanites had no part in God’s covenant with Abraham, Abraham had to search within his own family. When Abraham sent his servant out to find Isaac’s wife, he strictly forbade him from taking a wife from among the Canaanite people.

"...Abraham sent him away in confidence."

The entrusted servant took full responsibility for his task and Abraham sent him away in confidence. The servant Abraham chose to send was both loyal and wise. Before the servant left Abraham, he clarified under what conditions he was to act on by asking what he should do if the woman refused to come back to Isaac. Abraham directed him not to bring Isaac out to her, but that she must come to him.

When the servant arrived in the land where Abraham’s relatives dwelt, he set up a test for Isaac’s potential wife and asked God to bless him in discerning the right woman. The test for the woman was whether or not she would give the servant and his camels water to drink from the well. Not only was this test practical in helping him, but it also discerned the character of the woman who was become Isaac’s wife. The servant understood Abraham’s expectations well as well as Isaac’s needs.

The wise servant discerned his own weaknesses in clarifying his task, he acted loyally by doing exactly as Abraham had asked, and he discerned with the help of God before making his final decision. As soon as the servant was done speaking with God, Rebekah appeared at the well and he immediately tested her and discovered that she was the one for Isaac.

When we are given a task from God or a mission for our life, it is important to act as the wise servant did and make good choices regarding the responsibility we’ve been given. We must understand out limits and by doing so, trust in God to fill our need where we are lacking. We must also have faith in God’s plan and not allow any other voice but His own to direct our path. God knows our path best because He is the one that set us on it. Lastly, we must seek His wisdom and guidance when we are making decisions along our way in doing God’s will so that He stays in control.

Is there a task you have been given from God that you don’t know how to complete? What have you done in seeking direction? Remember that God will guide you when He gives you something to do for Him.

Bible Passage: Genesis 24:1-67

Photo Credit: Judith Scharnowski from

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