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Signs of His Coming - Part 5

Author: Joseph

Date: April 7, 2024

Yeshua told the disciples the importance of enduring faithfully until the end. We, as believers, hearing His words are to understand that we will face great tribulations and must endure them, setting our hope in Him no matter how long it takes for Him to return. He then explains what signs we are to expect to see that will signify His coming is imminent. These signs are not far from His coming, rather, will happen in a timely manner, just before His return. Finally, in addition to these two important factors, Yeshua gives a third forewarning:

“Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming”(Matthew 24:42).

He then compares the return of Yeshua to a thief coming into a house at night. It will be unexpected, unless the man was being watchful and “on the alert” as Yeshua is commanding His disciples to be. We must also be alert during the “night,” when the world becomes a spiritual dark place for believers. We must not “fall asleep” and be unaware of what is going on. Yeshua continues:

“For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will”

(Matthew 24:44).

Why does Yeshua say this since He indeed previously gave the disciples signs to expect before His return? It is because Yeshua will not return at a time when it is obvious to the rest of the world. Things will not appear to be “near the end” for others apart from those who understand Yeshua’s words. His return will not seem “logical” in its timing as we would expect, just as His first coming didn’t appeal to what the people imagined it would look like. Yes, the signs that He prophesied were to come would happen, but perhaps not in the same dramatic effect that people would expect. The signs may even appear in a manner that most people mock as “just a natural occurrence” or “nothing out of the ordinary.” If we look back at what Yeshua said, He explains that there are many “birth pangs” that occur before His return (Matthew 24:8). And if we are not careful and watchful, just as with birth pangs, the time of their fulfillment will come suddenly upon us.

" actively doing the will of God, not dismissing His return as far off..."

While we are being watchful of His return, He forewarns us to also be actively doing the will of God, not dismissing His return as far off and so becoming lax in loving our neighbor and faithfully performing kingdom works:

“Blessed is that slave whom his master finds doing so when he comes”

(Matthew 24:46).

For to the one who is not found doing the will of God and instead serving his own desires and indulging in the things of the world, He will “cut him in pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 24:51).

God will not spare the “evil slave” from judgment upon His return. The evil slave will be given the same treatment as the non-believer. A terrible fate, indeed! So we are explicitly forewarned to not be behaving in such a manner.

What are you doing with your time now to serve the Lord and live your life for Him? If He were to return even now, would you be ashamed of what you are doing? Or would you be found doing the will of the Father? Would you be surprised at His return or would you have been diligently watching and waiting while doing His will?

Matthew 24:42-51

Scripture quotations taken from the (NASB®) New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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