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Starting Over Again

Published: February 18, 2018

Author: Joseph

All living creatures were killed in the single act of the flood that covered the entire earth. The only living creatures left were Noah and his family, as well as a select few of God’s creatures that lived on the land. God had sheltered them in the ark He instructed Noah to build. Everything else that was built, everything that was owned, everything that lived was utterly destroyed and washed away into the depths of the flood waters.

"...trials purify our faith and devotion to God, making us stronger as our imperfections are washed away by God’s cleansing waters."

One hundred and fifty days after the flood waters covered the earth, the water began to recede and a new earth was slowly being revealed with each day that passed.

Noah and his family saw the flood waters disappear and green life begin to sprout up again. In gratitude, Noah sacrifices some of the clean animals (there were seven pairs each) and worships God. God is pleased with Noah and makes a covenant with Himself to have mercy on His creation as well as the covenant of the rainbow, which signified that He would never again flood the earth. After almost a year of living in the ark, at the mercy of God, His creation was restored to their former dwelling, having wiped away the evil in the world.

In times of trials, it may seem as if our circumstances are going to last forever – that we’ll never reach the end of the storm around us. Imagine if Noah had not trusted that God would end the flood. He may have become desperate, even sinning while sheltered in the ark that God had provided for his protection. Noah, however, stayed faithful to God, trusting in God’s faithfulness to bring him through the flood.

Noah knew that the flood was not a punishment from God, but a way of removing evil from the earth. In the same way, trials purify our faith and devotion to God, making us stronger as our imperfections are washed away by God’s cleansing waters. Noah may have lost everything he had left behind, but God was creating a new life for him and providing for him while he waited for God’s work to be complete.

Does it seem as if your world is being flooded with trials? If so, do you trust in God’s ability to purify you and lead you to a better life through them? Reflect on how Noah waited through the flood and persevered until the end, trusting in God’s faithfulness.

Bible Passage: Genesis 8:1 – 9:17 

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